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The American Institute of Architects Santa Barbara is proud to announce their 12th annual ArchitecTours event. This year’s tour will celebrate “Design Excellence” and will highlight projects that demonstrate green building, small efficient spaces, are built in harmony with nature, demonstrate live/work spaces that meet the needs of a 21st century workforce, spearhead solutions and meet the call for climate challenges, demonstrate equitable housing solutions, and show other exceptional and informative work. Participants on the tour will learn about the team, trades, processes, materials, and elements that were needed to complete the finished buildings.

In order to hold this event safely, ArchitecTours 2021 will be conducted in a virtual format. This will allow participants to tour a variety of projects at their leisure from their own home.

For more information and to register for this event visit: https://aiasb.com/architectours-2021/

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