Post a Job
APA Central Coast allows APA members and non-members to post job listings. Job postings will remain online for 90 days, but you can login and change, repost, or remove the listing. At this time, APACA Central Coast does not charge for posting jobs. However, each job posting is subject to Section Director approval and MUST have an end date for the posting.
How Register for An Account
To register for an account to post a job(s) please use our Contact Form and pick ‘Job Posting Account’ when filling out the form. Check your junk/spam folder if you do not get it within 15 minutes. A password setup link will be sent via email by a site admin. You can then login on the post a job page. You will be taken to your profile page where you can edit your information, click ‘APA Central Coast’ link in black bar at top left of page to be taken to the front end where the form will now be available on the post a job page. After filling out the form click ‘Preview’ to see what it will look like and then submit when ready. Once approved your listing will go live, please delete your listing when the job is filled. To edit or delete your exiting job listing(s) please go to Edit or Delete Your Job Posting Here.